iGaming (BI)
Get a 7-day free trial
Real-time analysis and insides about your business just one click away!
Expend your vision

The way to change your company mindset towards data driven decision making.
⭐️ Create a data driven culture
⭐️ Replace Excel & all the manual work
⭐️ Instant update on all dashboards
⭐️ Easy to follow way of working
⭐️ Integration on our end only

What do you get?
We believe everyone can make successful data-driven decisions. They just need the right tools.
+ The only BI covering 360 of your business
+ Risk management and fraud detection
+ Deal comparisons
+ Custom Dashboards
+ ROI on Customer, Country, Affiliate and other levels
Fill up the gaps with in-depth analysis
✅ Click to FTD full funnel journey and segmentation
✅ Compare ROI and P&L breakdown
✅ In-depth segmentation of all reports:
Brand → Country → Traffic Source → Affiliate → Campaign → Customer

We love what we do and so do our customers
Our mission is to break down the barriers in data analytics and make it accessible to all, regardless of technical background or role.
We are offering easy to read and comprehensive analysis and insights for all pillars:
Biz Dev
Risk & Fraud